There are more options than squares available. This board is generated randomly from a list (below).
List of Bingo Squares
- World War 3
- Shrek 5 release date announced
- Deepfaked political figure fools major news outlet
- World leader gets assassinated
- Nuclear bomb!
- North Korea launches missile
- Zelenskyy wears suit and tie
- Presidential candidate dies
- Earthquake mangnitude 8.1 or greater
- UK Prime Minister loses vote of confidence
- Record wild fire season on US west coast
- Russian oligarch falls off tall buliding
- Hungary leaves EU
- Surprising celebrity canceled
- Surprising celebrity starts an OnlyFans
- Whales sink another yacht
- GTA VI gets delayed
- Big volcano erupts
- Twitter crashes for more than a day
- Twitter sued regarding the 2024 presidental election, somehow
- Record warm global temperatures
- Taylor Swift engaged… or newly single
- Trump convicted (not regarding business practices)
- Putin re-elected
- Supreme Court has a member die or resign
- Discourse involving genitals in US political race
- Big indie Mickey project gets a Disney cease and desist
- Major school shooting
- Surprising major org chart shift at AI company
- AI company loses big lawsuit
- Collapse of major social media platform
- A US state has power grid failure
- Two major celebrities get divorced
- Legendary celebrity dies
- New cryptocurrency crash
- Aliens
- Javier Milei scandal
- Big protests in USA
- Major hurricane
- Ransomware attack on major company
- GRRM’s “Winds of Winter” gets a release date
- Presidential campaign event in Fortnite
- 90s child actor redemption arc