There are more options than squares available. This board is generated randomly from a list (below).
List of Bingo Squares
- “Tremendous”
- “Malarkey”
- Trump cuts off moderator before the question is asked.
- Biden cuts off moderator before the question is asked.
- Either candidate repeats the exact same word four times uninterrupted.
- Racist dogwhistle.
- Biden says he’ll “evict” Trump by November.
- Trump promises COVID vaccine by November.
- “The cities with the highest crime rates all have Democrat mayors!”
- Biden discusses gun control, but it's not related to the moderator’s question.
- “Anteefa”
- Trump incoherently rants about a random food item.
- “____ for my family.”
- “You’ve never seen ____ like this”
- Somehow Azerbaijan/Armenia conflict comes up.
- Biden mentions Harris is a cop, in solidarity with cops, as if this is a good thing.
- Biden has extremely tone-deaf hot take about police.
- “You never hear about the 99% of the times these (police brutality) incidents end peacefully!”
- “blue lives matter” (or other attempts at changing the topic from Black lives to police)
- “all lives matter”
- Either candidate questions why we should bring race into a topic.
- “Mainstream media”
- Implying socialism is bad.
- Implying anarchism is bad.
- $750.
- Genital comparison discourse. 🍆
- Trump mentions pee tests for Biden.
- Biden celebrates beating a socialist in the primary.
- Biden’s son and Ukraine come up.
- Trump praises a (non-American) authoritarian.
- “yuge”
- “Chi-na”
- Complaining about mysterious voter fraud.
- Implying abolishing the police is bad.
- Biden starts a sentence with, “Look”
- Biden fabricates some story about an “average Joe” worker he met on the campaign trail.
- Either candidate insults the moderator.
- Either candidate loses their place mid-sentence and wildly changes direction.
- Biden cites Obama’s record.
- Trump describes his IRS record as “perfect.”
- Trump doubles down on not conceding the election.
- Trump implies not paying taxes is “smart.”
- Overturning Roe v Wade mentioned.
- “rural America(ns)”
- “Folks”
- “Make/Keep America Great”
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg mentioned.
- Biden uses a malapropism.
- “fate of democracy”
- “Sleepy Joe”
- Obamacare mentioned.
- “fake news”
- Blaming Russia for anything.
- “C’mon, man!”
- Either candidates mentions criminalizing statues being taken down.
- Biden implies someone should not vote for him.
- Either candidate expresses a wish for physical violence towards the other candidate.
- Some shit about riots.
- Climate change mentioned.
- Either candidate challenges the mental fitness of the other.
- Someone lets slip a naughty swear word.