There are more options than squares available. This board is generated randomly from a list (below).
List of Bingo Squares
- “The officer feared for his/her life”
- “Why don’t you go be a cop?”
- “Wait for ALL the facts!”
- “Let the process work!”
- “Let the courts decide!”
- Gratuitous Strawman (e.g. “You obviously think all cops are murderers”)
- “So, you’re a lawyer now?” (Attacking the education of the critic)
- “What about Chicago/Black-on-Black crime?”
- “The cities with the highest crime rates all have Democrat mayors!”
- “He/she was going for the officer’s gun!”
- “He/she/they shouldn’t have resisted!”
- “Don’t call the police if anything happens to you then.”
- “The officer was in fear of his/her life.”
- “Our body cams malfunctioned.”
- “He/she/they shouldn’t have been drinking”
- “He/she shouldn’t have dressed like a thug!”
- “He/she shouldn’t have been out late!”
- “Camera angle doesn’t show everything.”
- “Show me the ten minutes BEFORE the video!”
- “You never hear about the 99% of the times these incidents end peacefully!”
- Child victim, and, “Some kids just look older at 13.”
- “Your criticism will get cops killed!”
- “We can’t release that information while the investigation is still on going.” (maybe even after it ends)
- “Just comply/do what the police tell you. It’s not that hard.”
- “This officer was just one bad apple.”
- “The police are doing a thankless job.”
- “He/she was no angel!”
- “Blue lives matter!”
- “Police officers already have enough/too much training”
- “I wasn’t carrying my taser.”
- “It looked like a real weapon.”
- “Why bring race into this?”
- “He/she/they shouldn’t have run away!”
- “Split-second decision.”
- “Just because he’s unarmed doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.”
- “An officer’s first job is to come back home alive.”
- “The officer’s weapon discharged” with no mention of who pulled the trigger.
- Planted evidence.
- Victim “fit the description”
- Police footage released, only after bystanders uploaded video to YouTube
- “The majority of cops are doing the right thing.”
- “He reached for his waist.” (Implying there could have been a weapon.)
- “There’s just not enough evidence.”
- “We were required to prosecute the suspect. We have no choice.”
- “More white people are killed by cops, so that proves there isn’t a problem.”
- “Report bad behavior later!” (After complying to brutality now.)
- Paid administrative leave.
- “He refused to comply.”
- News organization publishes the victim’s criminal history.
- Officer had prior complaints, deaths, or terminations.
- “So, you just want criminals running wild?”
- A “Resisting Arrest” charge is dropped by the time the story breaks.
- “You’ve never lived near those communities.” (Implied to be “Black” communities.)
- Passive language (e.g.“The bullet struck him”)